
Sumatra Green Coffee Beans

Sumatra coffee beans which is traditionally the highest grade of Sumatra coffee.


Fragrance/Aroma : Fresh and Nuty
Flavor : Herbal, Spicy and Mild Caramel
Acidity : Medium
Body : Medium to High

Description Scheme

Time from Flowers to Be Berry : 9 Months
Production (Kg/Ha) : 800 to 1500
Optimal Temperature : 13 to 28°C
Altitude : 1200 to 1500 from Sea Level (asl)
Country of Origin : Indonesia
Production Areas : Aceh (Takengon, Bener Meriah, Angkup,
Sukarame, Bies, Jagung, Sabun, Pondokbaru).
Caffeine Content : 0.8 to 1.4%
Character Stew : Acid & Chocolate
Method of Harvest : Mechanical and Hand Pick
Processing Method : Semi-wash Method

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About Sumatera Green Coffee Beans

Mandheling, Gayo, Lintong, and Ankola coffees are examples of Sumatra green coffee beans: These coffees are popular among coffee enthusiasts due to their unique tastes, which explains why they make it to the world’s top list of best coffees.

Sumatran coffees have particular characteristics and tasting notes, depending on the region of their plantation. In common, they have a strong and pleasant body and low acidity with earthy or herbaceous flavor and aroma.

These distinct taste profiles are influenced by how green beans are processed. In Indonesia, especially on Sumatra Island, most coffee producers use Giling Basah or wet hulling as the processing method. It is a traditional Indonesian processing method.

growing a coffee plant

History of Sumatra Green Coffee Beans

The history of Sumatra coffee began in the 1800s. Before this time, a Dutch governor brought a coffee plant to Indonesia from Yemen in 1699. After several trials and errors, the cultivation of coffee trees became successful.

This made the Dutch colonists plant coffee trees all over Java island, producing tons of coffee beans each year which dominated the coffee market then. Then, they brought coffee trees to Sumatra and started a large-scale plantation near Lake Toba, believed to be in the 1880s.

Decades went by, and the locals started to find the best way to cultivate coffee trees suitable for their soil conditions. The fertile soil and farmer care contributed to the fact that, right now, the region produces high-quality Sumatra green coffee beans: and has become the largest coffee producer in Indonesia.

Varieties of Sumatra Coffees

Growing coffee in Sumatra mainly involves the locals who cultivate coffee trees for a family-scale operation. Today, we can discover various Sumatra coffee coming from different regions of Sumatra island. 

●     Mandheling

Mandheling coffee originates from Bukit Barisan highlands in North Sumatra, named after the local tribe. This type has an entire yet smooth body, low acidity, and earthy and herbal aroma, while the flavor hints at sweet chocolate and licorice.

●     Gayo

About Sumatra coffee of Gayo comes from Aceh, planted in the Gayo highlands. The flavors depend on which altitude and soil the trees are cultivated. 

●     Lintong

Lintong coffee grows in Lintong Nihuta, Lake Toba. It has a medium body, rich aroma, and low acidity. Lintong has a distinct spice flavor.

Due to its unique taste and aroma, Sumatra coffee has become a popular choice of beans for global coffee lovers. Check out our Sumatra green coffee beans: if you want a bite right now!

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