Indonesian Coffee News

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FNB Tech Indonesia – Best Coffee Beans Supplier in Indonesia

In the heart of the global coffee industry, FNB Tech Indonesia stands tall as a leading coffee beans supplier in Indonesia. Established in 1999, the company embarked on a journey that began with a modest trading and export business in Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Over the past two decades, FNB Tech Indonesia has evolved into a powerhouse in the coffee industry, with a sprawling 75-hectare coffee processing plant in Tekengon, Aceh Gayo, Sumatera, Indonesia.

Premier Coffee Beans Supplier in Indonesia: Company Overview

FNB Tech Indonesia has not only expanded its geographical footprint but has also diversified its operations across the entire coffee value chain. The company started by primarily selling green coffee beans to both local and international markets. Today, they trade with over 33 countries, boasting a customer base of 17,811 buyers.

Best Coffee Beans Supplier in Indonesia

The company’s commitment to sustainability is evident in its practices at the coffee processing plant in Tekengon. FNB Tech Indonesia has been actively involved in tree rejuvenation, replanting, and sustainable farming practices. Moreover, the company has established and maintained strong relationships with neighboring communities, demonstrating a holistic approach to coffee production.

From Plantation to Retail: FNB Tech Indonesia’s Strategic Diversification

FNB Tech Indonesia’s journey from a small trading and export company in Medan to a prominent player in the global coffee industry is marked by strategic diversification across the entire coffee value chain. This deliberate expansion from plantation to retail underscores the company’s commitment to excellence, sustainability, and a holistic approach to the coffee business.

1. Origin: Small Trading Company to Coffee Powerhouse

Established in 1999 as a small trading and export company in Medan, North Sumatra, FNB Tech Indonesia initially focused on selling green coffee beans to local and international markets. However, the company’s vision extended beyond mere trading, propelling it into a trajectory of growth and diversification.

2. Upstream Expansion: Plantation and Sustainable Practices

FNB Tech Indonesia’s commitment to quality and sustainability led to the establishment of a 75-hectare coffee processing plant site in Tekengon, Aceh Gayo, Sumatera. This move marked the company’s foray into the upstream segment of the coffee industry. Here, FNB Tech Indonesia actively engages in tree rejuvenation, replanting initiatives, and sustainable farming practices. The focus on sustainability is not just a business strategy but a commitment to the environment and the communities involved in coffee cultivation.

3. Downstream Integration: From Plantation to Retail

Diversification did not stop at the plantations. FNB Tech Indonesia strategically ventured downstream, expanding its business operations to include retail. This comprehensive integration allows the company to have a direct hand in shaping the entire lifecycle of its coffee products, from cultivation to consumption.

4. Diversifying the Business Portfolio: Coffee Machines to Coffee Shops

Beyond the traditional pathways of the coffee industry, FNB Tech Indonesia has taken bold steps into diversifying its business portfolio. The company’s presence extends not only to the production and trading of green coffee beans but also to the realms of coffee machines and coffee shops. This diversification showcases a forward-thinking approach to capturing a broader market share and ensuring a comprehensive experience for coffee enthusiasts.

5. Holistic Approach: Excelling as Indonesia’s Finest Green Coffee Beans Source

FNB Tech Indonesia’s diversified approach is rooted in the aspiration to excel as Indonesia’s finest green coffee beans source. By engaging in both upstream and downstream activities, the company ensures that its commitment to quality, sustainability, and authenticity is upheld at every stage of the coffee production process.

6. Building Strong Relationships with Communities

Throughout this diversification journey, FNB Tech Indonesia has maintained a focus on building strong relationships with the communities involved in the coffee industry. The collaborative approach extends beyond the plantations to include local farmers, processors, and exporters. This interconnected network not only strengthens the company’s supply chain but also contributes to the socio-economic development of the regions where it operates.

7. Ensuring Quality Across the Value Chain

FNB Tech Indonesia’s control over both upstream and downstream aspects of the coffee business is a strategic advantage. It allows the company to implement stringent quality control measures at every stage, ensuring that the beans reaching consumers are of the highest standard. This end-to-end control contributes to the brand’s reputation as a purveyor of premium-quality Indonesian coffee.

8. Catering to Evolving Consumer Preferences

The diversification of FNB Tech Indonesia’s business operations is a response to the evolving preferences and demands of consumers. By offering a range of products and services, the company caters to a diverse audience, from those seeking green coffee beans for home brewing to coffee shop owners looking for quality beans and machines.

A Comprehensive Coffee Experience

In conclusion, FNB Tech Indonesia’s journey from plantation to retail is a strategic evolution that goes beyond mere business expansion. It reflects a commitment to excellence, sustainability, and a comprehensive approach to delivering an exceptional coffee experience. By diversifying across the entire value chain, FNB Tech Indonesia has positioned itself as a key player in the Indonesian coffee industry, ensuring that the authenticity and quality of its products are preserved from the lush plantations to the coffee cups of enthusiasts around the world.

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Elevating Standards: FNB Tech Indonesia as a Premium Green Coffee Beans Supplier

In the competitive world of coffee production and trade, FNB Tech Indonesia has carved a niche for itself as a premium green coffee beans supplier. With over two decades of experience, the company has not just provided beans; it has curated an unparalleled coffee experience for customers worldwide. Let’s explore the factors that distinguish FNB Tech Indonesia as a premier supplier of premium green coffee beans.

1. Over 20 Years of Excellence

The longevity of FNB Tech Indonesia’s presence in the coffee industry speaks volumes about its commitment to excellence. Established in 1999, the company has weathered the changing tides of the market, consistently delivering premium-quality green coffee beans to customers globally. This extensive experience is a testament to FNB Tech Indonesia’s deep understanding of the intricacies of coffee production and trade.

2. Exceptionally Authentic Taste

At the heart of FNB Tech Indonesia’s offerings is an exceptionally authentic taste that reflects the rich and diverse terroirs of Indonesia. The company takes pride in sourcing green coffee beans from various regions, each contributing unique flavors and characteristics to the final product. This commitment to authenticity ensures that customers experience the true essence of Indonesian coffee with every sip.

3. Global Reach, Local Roots

FNB Tech Indonesia’s reach extends to more than 33 countries, with a customer base of over 17,811 buyers. This global presence is a testament to the company’s ability to meet the discerning tastes of coffee enthusiasts worldwide. Despite this expansive reach, FNB Tech Indonesia maintains its roots in local communities, fostering relationships with farmers and ensuring sustainable practices are integral to the entire supply chain.

4. Sustainable Farming Practices

The commitment to sustainability goes beyond just sourcing beans. FNB Tech Indonesia actively engages in tree rejuvenation, replanting, and sustainable farming practices at its 75-hectare coffee processing plant site in Tekengon, Aceh Gayo, Sumatera. By implementing these practices, the company not only ensures the longevity of its plantations but also contributes to the preservation of the environment and the well-being of local communities.

5. Comprehensive Value Chain

What sets FNB Tech Indonesia apart is its involvement in both upstream and downstream activities within the coffee industry. The company’s diversification across the entire value chain, from plantation to retail and from coffee machines to coffee shops, showcases a holistic approach to the business. This comprehensive involvement allows FNB Tech Indonesia to maintain control over quality at every stage of the process.

6. Trusted Choice for Coffee Enthusiasts

The trust placed in FNB Tech Indonesia by coffee enthusiasts in countries such as America, Australia, Canada, the United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Japan, and various European nations speaks volumes. The company’s premium green coffee beans have become a preferred choice for those who seek not just a beverage but a sensory journey, an exploration of the diverse and authentic flavors that Indonesian coffee has to offer.

7. Jakarta Office and Specialty Processing Plant

FNB Tech Indonesia’s physical presence is marked by its Jakarta office at Gedung Menara Sentraya, showcasing a commitment to accessibility and transparency. Additionally, the Specialty Coffee Processing Plant in Desa Pondok Balik, Aceh, stands as a testament to the company’s dedication to the art and science of coffee processing, ensuring that every bean meets the high standards set by FNB Tech Indonesia.

8. 100% Authentic Indonesian Coffee

The slogan “100% Authentic Indonesian Coffee” is not just a marketing tagline but a promise. FNB Tech Indonesia takes pride in being a custodian of Indonesia’s rich coffee heritage, delivering beans that embody the essence of the country’s diverse landscapes and cultural richness.

Crafting Experiences, One Bean at a Time

In conclusion, FNB Tech Indonesia’s position as a premium green coffee beans supplier is a result of a harmonious blend of experience, authenticity, sustainability, and a comprehensive approach to the coffee industry. As you embark on your coffee journey with FNB Tech Indonesia, you’re not just purchasing beans; you’re immersing yourself in a curated experience, a celebration of the artistry and passion that defines Indonesian coffee. Elevate your coffee ritual with FNB Tech Indonesia and savor the excellence of premium green coffee beans that encapsulate the soul of Indonesia.

Sourcing Green Coffee Beans: The Art of Authenticity

One of the cornerstones of FNB Tech Indonesia’s success lies in its meticulous approach to sourcing green coffee beans. The company’s commitment to delivering an authentic Indonesian coffee experience is evident in its careful selection of beans from diverse regions across the archipelago. Let’s delve into the art and science of sourcing green coffee beans at FNB Tech Indonesia.

Diverse Origins, Distinctive Flavors

FNB Tech Indonesia takes pride in offering a collection of green coffee beans that showcase the diverse terroirs of Indonesia. From the volcanic soils of Sumatra to the high-altitude plantations of Aceh Gayo, each region contributes unique characteristics to the beans it produces.

Aceh Gayo:

Situated in the northern part of Sumatra, Aceh Gayo is known for its lush landscapes and high-altitude coffee farms. The beans sourced from this region bring forth a bold and full-bodied flavor profile. FNB Tech Indonesia’s commitment to authenticity ensures that every Aceh Gayo Green Coffee Bean encapsulates the essence of this captivating region.


The vast and biodiverse island of Sumatra is a treasure trove for coffee enthusiasts. FNB Tech Indonesia carefully selects beans from Sumatra, celebrated for their complex flavor profile. The combination of cedar, chocolate, and subtle spiciness is a testament to the rich biodiversity that surrounds the coffee plantations.


Mandheling, another prominent region for coffee cultivation, contributes to FNB Tech Indonesia’s green coffee bean collection. Renowned for its bold and intense flavor with notes of dark chocolate, Mandheling beans are a staple for those seeking a robust and impactful coffee experience.

See also  Exploring the Rich and Distinctive Taste of Aceh Gayo Coffee

Sustainable Practices and Community Engagement

Beyond flavor profiles and regional nuances, FNB Tech Indonesia places a strong emphasis on sustainable and ethical sourcing practices. The company actively engages in tree rejuvenation and replanting initiatives to ensure the longevity of coffee plantations. By implementing sustainable farming practices, FNB Tech Indonesia not only preserves the environment but also contributes to the long-term well-being of local communities.

The company’s commitment to sustainability goes hand in hand with maintaining excellent relationships with neighboring communities. FNB Tech Indonesia recognizes the importance of collaboration with the people who are an integral part of the coffee production process. This collaborative approach ensures that the entire ecosystem, from the farmers to the consumers, benefits from the journey of the coffee bean.

The Journey to Authenticity

“FNB Tech Indonesia: 100% Authentic Indonesian Coffee” is not just a tagline but a guiding principle. The company’s meticulous sourcing process is a journey to discover and share the true essence of Indonesian coffee. Each step, from selecting the finest beans to fostering sustainable practices, is a testament to FNB Tech Indonesia’s dedication to authenticity.

As a customer, when you choose FNB Tech Indonesia’s green coffee beans, you are not merely purchasing a product; you are embarking on a sensory journey. The rich flavors, captivating aromas, and sustainable practices encapsulated in every bean reflect the dedication and passion that FNB Tech Indonesia brings to the art of sourcing green coffee beans. Elevate your coffee experience and immerse yourself in the authentic taste of Indonesia with FNB Tech Indonesia.

Best Sellers: A Deeper Dive into FNB Tech Indonesia’s Green Coffee Beans

While FNB Tech Indonesia takes pride in its entire range of green coffee beans, there are certain varieties that have emerged as customer favorites and true ambassadors of Indonesian coffee excellence. These best sellers are a testament to the company’s dedication to sourcing, processing, and delivering green coffee beans of unparalleled quality. Let’s take a closer look at these remarkable varieties:

1. Aceh Gayo Green Coffee Beans

Origin: Aceh Gayo, a region renowned for its high-altitude and fertile soil, sets the stage for the production of Aceh Gayo Green Coffee Beans.

Distinctive Characteristics:

  • Flavor Profile: Exhibiting a unique blend of earthiness and a hint of herbal notes, Aceh Gayo beans are celebrated for their full-bodied, bold flavor.
  • Aroma: The beans emanate a captivating aroma that hints at the lush landscapes of the Aceh Gayo region.

Culinary Applications:

  • Ideal for espresso enthusiasts who appreciate a robust and intense coffee experience.
  • Perfect for those seeking a well-balanced cup with a memorable aftertaste.

Aceh Gayo Green Coffee Beans are a staple for those who desire an authentic Indonesian coffee experience that reflects the terroir of the region.

2. Sumatra Green Coffee Beans

Origin: Hailing from the vast and verdant landscapes of Sumatra, these beans are cultivated in the midst of tropical forests, contributing to their distinct character.

Distinctive Characteristics:

  • Flavor Profile: Sumatra Green Coffee Beans boast a complex flavor profile with notes of cedar, chocolate, and a subtle hint of spiciness.
  • Body: Known for their heavy body, these beans create a creamy and indulgent cup of coffee.

Culinary Applications:

  • Ideal for those who appreciate a well-rounded coffee with a lingering, satisfying finish.
  • Perfect for blending to add depth and complexity to custom coffee blends.

Sumatra Green Coffee Beans encapsulate the essence of Sumatra’s rich biodiversity, delivering a sensory journey with each sip.

3. Mandheling Green Coffee Beans

Origin: Sourced from the Mandheling region, known for its high altitudes and volcanic soil, Mandheling Green Coffee Beans embody the essence of Indonesian coffee craftsmanship.

Distinctive Characteristics:

  • Flavor Profile: Mandheling beans are celebrated for their bold, intense flavor with hints of dark chocolate and a subtle herbal undertone.
  • Acidity: Low acidity contributes to a smooth and velvety texture.

Culinary Applications:

  • Perfect for those who prefer a strong and impactful coffee experience.
  • Well-suited for dark roast enthusiasts looking to explore the nuances of Indonesian coffee.

Mandheling Green Coffee Beans cater to the discerning coffee drinker who seeks a powerful and memorable cup, making them a cornerstone in FNB Tech Indonesia’s collection.

Elevating Your Coffee Experience

These best-selling green coffee beans from FNB Tech Indonesia are not just products; they represent a commitment to excellence, authenticity, and a rich cultural heritage. Each cup brewed from these beans tells a story of meticulous sourcing, sustainable practices, and a dedication to preserving the true essence of Indonesian coffee.

As you embark on your coffee journey with FNB Tech Indonesia, explore the nuances of Aceh Gayo, Sumatra, and Mandheling Green Coffee Beans. Immerse yourself in the distinctive flavors, captivating aromas, and exceptional quality that define these best sellers. Whether you’re a coffee aficionado or a casual drinker, FNB Tech Indonesia invites you to savor the authentic taste of Indonesia in every cup and discover why these green coffee beans are cherished by coffee lovers around the world.

Information and Contact Details

For those interested in exploring the world of FNB Tech Indonesia’s coffee beans, the company provides the following contact details:

Jakarta Office:
Gedung Menara Sentraya, lantai 39, Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No. 1A Kel. Melawai, Kec. Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12160.

Specialty Coffee Processing Plant:
Desa Pondok Balik, Kec. Ketol, Kabupaten Aceh Tengah, Aceh.

Contact Number:
+62 811 6171 777


In conclusion, FNB Tech Indonesia stands as a beacon in the Indonesian coffee industry, offering not just beans but an experience that transcends borders. With a commitment to quality, sustainability, and diversification, the company has positioned itself as a leader in the global coffee market. From the humble beginnings of a small trading company to an internationally recognized coffee beans supplier, FNB Tech Indonesia continues to shape the narrative of Indonesian coffee excellence. Embrace the true essence of Indonesian coffee with FNB Tech Indonesia and elevate your coffee journey to new heights.

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