Green Coffee Beans
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Mandheling Grade 3


Green Bean :

$ 7,350

Roasted :

$ 13.43/KG

Powder :

$ 15.43/KG

Mandheling Grade 3


Green Bean :

$ 7,350

Roasted :

$ 13.43/KG

Powder :

$ 15.43/KG

Mandheling Grade 3 green coffee is a type of coffee originating from the Mandheling region in Sumatra, Indonesia. Renowned for their unique traits, delicious character, and potential health benefits, Mandheling coffee beans have caught the attention of coffee lovers around the world.

The Mandheling region, hidden in the beautiful landscape of Sumatra, has the optimal combination of volcanic soil, high altitude, and humid climate, making it an ideal place to grow high-quality coffee beans.

Mandheling Grade 3

Mandheling Grade 3 Characteristics

Fragrance/Aroma: Nutty
Flavor: Nutty Roaster, Supplemented by Herbal Aroma
Acidity: Medium
Body: Medium to High Full-body


Screen Size: 15-19
Moisture: Max 13%
Defect Value: 24-44 (As per sample)

Description Scheme

Time from Flowers to Be Berry: 9 Months
Production (Kg/Ha): 800 to 1500
Optimal Temperature: 13 to 28°C
Optimal Rainfall: 1500 to 3000 mm
Altitude: 1100 to 1500 from Sea Level (asl)
Soil Type: Black Soil /Soil Formed of Young
Materials are very Fertile and Volcanic and contain Micro Nutrients Important to Plants.
Country of Origin: Indonesia
Production Areas : Berastagi, Sidikalang, Dolok Sanggul, Dolok Saribu, Lintong, Borong-borong, Tobasa, Sipirok, Mandailing.
Caffeine Content: 0.8 to 1.4%
Form of Seeds: Flat with a Clear Midline
Character Stew: Acid & Chocolate
Method of Harvest: Mechanical and Hand Pick
Processing Method: Semi-wash Method

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