
FnB Tech Indonesia source our single-coffee beans only in regions of Indonesia that feature rich coffee planting traditions, and uphold long-term relationships with trusted growers. We processes coffee beans to be exported world widely.
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FnB Tech Indonesia source our single-coffee beans only in regions of Indonesia that feature rich coffee planting traditions, and uphold long-term relationships with trusted growers. We processes coffee beans to be exported world widely.

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FnB Tech Indonesia
Green Coffee Beans Exporter

FnB Tech own 75 ha coffee processing plant
site in Tekengon, Aceh Gayo, Sumatera, Indonesia.​

Established in 1999, we started a small trading and export company in Medan, North Sumatra Indonesia. The company’s business was mainly selling green coffee beans to both local and international markets. Today, we trade internationally to more than 33 countries, with over 17,811 buyers.

FnB Tech Indonesia Coffee Beans Supplier

FnB Tech own 75 ha coffee processing plant site in Tekengon, Aceh Gayo, Sumatera, Indonesia.

FnB Tech Indonesia Established in 1999, we started a small trading and export company in Medan, North Sumatra Indonesia. The company’s business was mainly selling green coffee beans to both local and international markets. Today, we trade internationally to more than 33 countries, with over 17,811 buyers.

Here we have been implementing tree rejuvenating, replanting and sustainable farming practice, while maintain excellent relationship with the neighboring communities.

Now, we do upstream and downstream in coffee industry, diversifying our business across the whole value chain of coffee industry, from plantation to retail and from coffee machines to coffee shops. Here we are really pushing forward to excel as Indonesia’s finest green coffee beans source.

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Indonesia Specialty

Trading countries internationally
0 +
Coffee variety in commodity
0 +
Coffee Farmers with Sustainable Partnership
Ha, the largest coffee plantation in Indonesia
Potential buyers across 33 countries

Our Core-Value

“We build sustainable green coffee beans supply chains and accelerate the industry forward through technology, finance and logistics”

Our Purpose

"Be the change for good coffee and a healthy future"

This is our purpose, We believe our scale and reach, combined with our mindset, sets us up to be agents of change. We can source, grow and manufacture ingredients that are good for farmers’ livelihoods, for consumers’ health and well-being, and for the world around us. Discover how we approach these and many more issues, and how we can help you create real impact on our website.

Our Core-Value

“We build sustainable green coffee beans supply chains and accelerate the industry forward through technology, finance and logistics”

Our Purpose

"Be the change for good coffee and a healthy future"

This is our purpose, We believe our scale and reach, combined with our mindset, sets us up to be agents of change. We can source, grow and manufacture ingredients that are good for farmers’ livelihoods, for consumers’ health and well-being, and for the world around us. Discover how we approach these and many more issues, and how we can help you create real impact on our website.

Our Favorite Product List

Product last update 2022/03/01. For more detail information please feel free to contact us or downlaod our catalog below.

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Arabica Coffee Quality Control: Cultivating a Cup of Excellence

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Warehouse & Shipping

We deliver green coffee bean products from our warehouse with reliable and experienced shipping partners so that the quality of our products is maintained when they reach your hands.